AMI-certified Montessori teacher Sunni's advice

Visual Development

The first few months of life are a critical period for the development of a child's vision. While in their mother's womb, babies live in a mostly dark environment and have very limited vision development. After birth, however, their vision develops rapidly, and by six months of age, their eyes are able to focus normally.

The first few weeks of life are no easy time for newborns. Therefore, the newborn does not need much stimulation from the environment during this phase as their bodies have already taken up a lot of work to adapt to the changes. For example the temperature, light, noise, etc. in the environment, so he needs to stay close with his mother, his source of security, and the very being he is familiar with before birth. When he is ready, he will recognize his surroundings when he is awake and slowly build up trust in the surroundings. Newborns have limited vision and can only see within 30cm. This distance is just enough for the child to see the mother's face and nipples. In this short distance, the child and mother develop a close emotional bonding and a sense of security.

In general, at 2 weeks old, babies will be aware of their surroundings, this is the right time for us parents to let them engage with mobile. In the first month, children are interested in high contrast colors and colors such as black and white. By the second month, the children start to notice the other bright colors.

Considering these unique characteristics of the babies between 0 to 3 months, we teamed up with experienced AMI-certified Montessori teachers, and together we created a series of Mobiles for your child to aid his visual development. It is important to note that when your baby is focused on the Mobile, please don’t interrupt their attention. We can also rotate Mobiles, when you notice that your baby starts to lose interest in one Mobile.

Gross motor development

Gross motor development in the first year of life is closely related to the development of myelination (the process of neurological development, which speeds up the transmission of neural information). Moms and dads who want to learn more about this scientific principle can click on this link to learn more about neurological principles.

Many of the gross movements of newborn babies are controlled by reflexes, and they can only autonomously control some basic survival functions, like breathing, heartbeat, and the muscles around the mouth and throat for feeding, swallowing, and crying. At about one month of age, babies have control over their eyes and can follow their vision and begin to see the face of the mother and father in front of them. In the second month of life, babies can control their heads and neck. When they are lying on the mat, they can lift their head up for a while. Reflex activities begins to slowly decrease. In the third month, the child can reach for objects in front of her. If a parent places an object in her hand, she can hold it tightly. They begin to look intently at the object in front of them and begin to touch it or put it in their mouths to explore it.

Therefore, in the 3rd month of life, we have designed a hanging ring to aid your child’s gross motor development.